of this blog has come.
but not the end of my blogging!
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Joey and I decided to combine our blogs, as we're combining our lives.
the new blog is joeyandtiff.wordpress.com
on the new blog, you'll get to see posts from both Joey and I - and the Mr. is a great writer!
see ya there!
and hey, if you're a follower and you have a blog, then leave me a comment with your URL or email it to me; I'd love to check out your blog!
So, this past week has been an adventure into the world of homemade. SInce we are trying to organic and it can be quite expensive, I've been researching ways to make it more cost-effective.
The first little project was a shampoo/body wash. I looked at few recipes online, and then made some modifications.
At EarthFare you can buy items such as oils, soap, and bath salts in bulk and they also have some clear containers that are perfect for homemade creations! The containers are free if you're buying bulk items, but a small price if not - and they're re-usable! The basics for this recipe involves castile soap (I used liquid because it's easier), some essential oils (lemon/lavender zum oil at EF), and water. In a 20 oz. container, I mixed 1/4 cup castile soap, about 2-3 tsp of oil, and filled the rest with warm water. Shake to mix well.
I've used it a little over a week now, and for the most part I really like it! If you try this, be careful with the ratios and make sure you rinse well, or it will leave your hair looking oily. Note that this also doesn't have a ton of lather with it, but none the less cleans very well!
Joey made some shaving cream last night, and I made some hairspray today. I'll let ya know how it goes as I haven't used either yet! We did make a video of the shaving cream experience last night, but for some reason I can't get it to load. Hopefully, we'll get it posted soon!
If you want to check out some more recipes, take a look at Life123 and Pioneer Thinking !
As far as expenses go on some of these recipes, some items may be a higher front end cost, but it lasts for a loooong time. For instance, 2 of the oils we bought for shaving cream were between 8 and 9 bucks for a 16 or 20 ounce jar, but the recipe only calls for a teaspoons or tablespoons. We'll be able to go for a while before having to buy any new ingredients! (that is, if it works well, I guess!....)
actually, the story behind the blog post today began a few months back..... i just haven't blogged about it yet!
After Joey and I became engaged, we began to have the obvious discussions of what to do about birth control. I did research, hours and hours of it. Joey did research. We researched together.
I was NOT crazy about using traditional birth control pills. If you read the last post, then you know we are making the transition to going all organic, as we can. Even before, I like being healthy. Eating healthy, moving my body to stay active, and I oh so rarely will ever take any kind of medicine. Not even over the counter stuff, unless I'm pretty desperate. I just am not crazy about the idea of putting lots of things in my body that are synthetic.
*Before I go on, let me make a disclaimer that isn't necessarily a spiritual conviction for me. I don't think it's sin to take meds; I just don't happen to like doing it. As far back as I can remember, I've always been this way. Ask my momma.
Anyway, we thought we found a solution when studying up on the IUD (Intra-uterine device) that would work best for us. This is a pretty well known device that is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy and last up to about 5 years. You only have to check it once a month to ensure that it's still in place and you're good to go. Some forms release hormones but we found one that did not. As with every birth control option, there are always possibilities of some form of malfunction or complication. With the IUD, it can become lodged in the uterus causing a lot of pain and can leave a woman totally infertile. Now, this is a very, very rare occurrence but it can happen. Even with that, I thought it was worth the risk because we wouldn't have to worry too much about birth control. And it's a one time expense, or would have been for us anyway. We're hoping to wait about 5 years before having a little tiny. But then, our great little plan came to a crashing halt. The more research I did, the more I learned that it was a controversial BC method due to the fact that some see it as abortive. The reasoning behind this is because if an egg is fertilized by sperm, the new little creation cannot attach itself to the uterine wall (because of the device) and therefore, ceases to be. (There are some pregnancies even with the IUD, and also a number or miscarriages as well.) Joey and I prayed and prayed and researched and researched and prayed, and we came to the conclusion that this just wasn't a good option for us. Now, please don't misunderstand me - I have a few godly, Jesus loving friends who use this and are ok with it, and it has worked great for them! But the thing is, we have to go with Scripture and our own consciences to see where God is leading us. And for Joey and I, the IUD got kicked off the options list.
Honestly, it was pretty discouraging. It seems like there are no great BC methods and really, I guess it kind of makes sense. God designed us to reproduce and it's really difficult to try and halt those natural processes.
So back to square one we go. More research. More praying. And repeat....
When we got to Tennessee, we decided to go see a doctor and have some informed discussion about out options. I specifically requested someone at this particular practice who was on board with natural, holistic methods in her practice. I was assured that I was getting a great fit with a Dr. Turns out, she looks pretty earthy, but she isn't really convinced that anything natural is a viable option. Over a tough conversation, we walk out with a prescription for birth control. I really wasn't wild about it, but I felt like we had no other option so I reasoned that I would try it and see how it goes at least until we'd been married for a little while and then we could reevaluate. Honest to goodness, on the first night I had to take it, I cried. Yes, I cried. And my sweet fiance ever so tenderly consoled me and said that if he could take them, he would. I just didn't feel good about it. Trying to do what I thought had to be done, I started taking it and....... well, let's just say that I turned into a crazy-head. I was so emotional, I was driving myself wild. I even broke down in tears when my boss was in my office - and over nothing! Thankfully, he didn't fire me, haha! Joey and I decided together that nothing was worth this insanity, so back to the doctor I go. Well, actually I just called. They switched my prescription to a lower dose, and thankfully the crazy-head syndrome went away. But, this new BC gave me a whole new kind of issue! However, even as real as I'm being in this blog post, I am not bold enough to disclose what the new irritant was. ;) So, What were we to do?!
Alas, back to research and praying we go. Still taking the BC. Researching. Praying. Then, we found it....
We had frolicked with the idea of using a form of natural family planning early on. And then abandoned it. And then, we returned. Still on the BC pills, I basically decided to use them to switch my cycle, anticipating good, no great, timing for our wedding, and then stop using it. And that's what I did; the whole BC pills process start to finish lasted about 2 or 3 weeks. Just long enough to use them, then lose them!
I'm aware that there are a lot of nay-sayers out there about using a natural method for family planning, and I've heard the jokes. "What do you call someone who uses natural family planning?" "Parents." Ba.ha.ha.
But there are some great resources out there, and when used correctly, it's an effective, natural form of birth control. There's a book called "Taking Charge Of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler that offers a lot of great info. This book is a national bestseller, has been around for awhile, and in my opinion is a must read for every woman. I'm learning so many new things about my body, fertility, and all around health. This promotes a type of family planning called Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) which teaches you the signs of when you are the most fertile (and it's way more than just checking temperatures girls!). You can learn not only to track a pattern of your body, but signs in which you can be specific of when you are most apt to conceive. The idea is that around the time of ovulation, a woman either abstains from intercourse (generally if someone has moral issues against BC, this is the route they will take) OR otherwise uses a back-up method like condoms. It is work; not a ton, but some. Every morning, I have to try and make my not-yet-cohesive-brain try to remember to take my temperature, before I even get out of bed. There is some charting involved and some other signs to look for. But honestly, this is how women planned their families for years and years. They knew their bodies.
Even though it is a bit of work, it is totally worth it (or at least I say that now, while unmarried lol). Seriously though, Joey and I feel confident with the method that we've chosen to plan our family (or for us, plan to wait a few years down the road to expand our family). It's natural, it's effective (if used properly), and it's pretty cheap. All in all, a win. Go Team Wilson!
Or at least this is how I would like for it to be...
I've always liked healthy food, and for most of my life I've been a healthy eater. Most, but not all. Over the past probably 4 years or so, it's been fairly consistent. Moving out to Washington from the everything-fried-give-me-another-glass-of-extra-sweet-tea-Tennessee helped quite a bit. There's just an over all healthier culture there, and it makes it easier to eat healthy and be healthy. Even several local coffee shops offer healthier options, using organic, natural ingredients.
My version of healthy has changed quite a bit over the years. Like I said, I've always enjoyed eating healthy foods. I love fruits and veggies, and have no problem eating lots of them. But sometimes in my mind, healthy meant eating low-fat, low-calorie which often led to processed foods. My dear friend Hannah (in the photo with me below) really turned me on to eating healthy and making sure you are putting good things in your body.
I've learned a lot from Hannah about this topic of eating naturally and organically over our college years together. My interest in this increased, and I've tried to be more aware of what I'm putting into my body. When I moved to Colorado, I pretty much went totally organic. Part of it was a conscious decision, and part of it was convenience. There was a mid-size market just down the road from my and Jenn's apartment that was all organic. I loved this little place. I loved the fact that it was local, that it offered really healthy options at a very reasonable price, and that it was kind of small. It wasn't overwhelming to go to the grocery store; I didn't have to walk through aisles of stuff that I didn't want to buy. I took my little reusable sack and filled it up with what I needed for the week, and I was good to go. Fast forward.
I moved back to Tennessee and into my parents place. C'mon don't judge me; it's just until I get married, or maybe even sooner when mine and Joey's house gets finished. I digress. My folks are super sweet and I appreciate them letting me stay with them and eat their food; they always have all kinds of good snacks! My parents eat pretty healthy too when it comes to low-fat and low-cal. They're on the go a LOT and often eat those little Frozen healthy choice meals and fiber one bars. So I was eating the same; but I started noticing that I just wasn't feeling well. I decided to go back to the way I was eating before and after only a couple days felt MUCH better!
So this brought Joey and I into deeper conversation about how far we would and could go with Organics. See, Joey is a chef and loves using fresh food for cooking. Thankfully, we are pretty like minded in this. We want to do things that are good for our body. Joey is even all about home making as much as he can. I came home today in fact to find him researching kombucha, fermentation, and making your own soap. Loved it! We both would love to go 100% organic. Or maybe 99% organic, so we can still occasionally eat things like Raisinettes! But the thing is, it is so expensive. For the most part, my diet is pretty pure and simple food as natural as I can get it. The other things I'm trying to slowly switch to are things like soaps, shampoos, deoderant, toothpaste, etc. Some of these things have already made the transition; others are awaiting.
As far as food goes, this will be much easier and more cost-effective when Joey and I are married and living in our home. We have a huge backyard and the Mr. is planning on growing quite the garden back there for us. I couldn't be more excited!
We're still trying to decide what is do-able, what is live-able, and how to make those transitions. Ideally, at some point we will be all natural in the things that we use.
So, tell me. What are your thoughts on going organic? Do you see it as worth it, or not? How far are you willing to go with it?
Hey bloggyblog buds!
Well so very much has been happening lately! So here are some snippets of such happenings.....
Still getting used to the new job (which I LOVE by the way)! It' s so amazing to me that I have the privilege to wake up every day and go do what I love. What I was made to do. What sets a fiery passion in my heart. I love seeing people connect with their passions, and let Jesus use them in the ways that He made them with the gifts He's given them. Maybe it's because there were times in my life (and sometimes still are) when I wonder if Jesus really can redeem me, if He really is willing to risk on me, If He's willing to put His namesake on me, back me up, and send me out to to represent Him. But He does, over and over. Even in my blowing it. I think maybe this started when my reputation wasn't exactly that of a "Jesus" kind of girl. And I'm gonna be really honest with you, I still struggle with the fact that God is a girl like me in ministry. But that's just how His grace works. ....And I know that, but parts of my heart don't yet understand that. I'm still nervous at times about that I'm gonna F it up to the point that I'm just out. Event hough I do still struggle with this insecurity from time to time, it's no where near the daily battle I used fight about this. It also would be no surprise for you to hear that I occasionally struggle with the irony that a girl like me gets to marry a guy like Joey; again, grace... But hey,that's a whole other blog post (or maybe a counseling session.) It's a process... (my favorite word ;))
My lovebird also landed a job that he loves! Which makes me oh so very happy! He's cooking away to his hearts content in a brand new, state of the art kitchen and to top it all - the hours are the best in the business at 6:30 to 2:30! Not found too often in the restaurant world! The uppers already are wild about him (i'm not in the least bit surprised), and it seems to be a great fit for him! This was a major answer to prayer; with our upcoming nuptials and all and my sweetie just itching to be our family provider, it was great timing!
Even though Joey loves his job, his heartbeat is to do ministry. Which is part of why we started GeekRock Design. The exact same reason is why I started doing photography two years ago in Washington state - Because I wanted a schedule conducive to ministry. We're still in the beginnings of getting GeekRock up and running, but so far, so GREAT! It's been tough, but we're excited to see where God takes us in this venture. And hey, we've updated the site already so check it out at www.geekrockdesign.com !!!
The house. Our first home. Humble abode. ProjectThatHasCapturedOurEvenings(except for the ones that are taken by GeekRock)andWeekendsandRefusesToReturnThemBUTthatWillTotallyBeWorthItAllSoon! Yep, we aren't really sure when we'll get to have truly a day off again. We're hoping it's done in a few more weeks, cause I tell ya what, between all that we've got going on, we are having a hard time taking a Sabbath. Which is neither good, nor healthy, nor ok. So, we need to get back to that really soon. I'll post some before and after shots when we're finished. You guys wouldn't believe the overhaul that's happening at our soon-to-be-address; that place was a dump when we first took over in there and soon it'll be a perfect first home. I can hardly wait!
Which brings me next to the wedding! Planning is going amazing well, because, well, I hired a wedding planner! This was one of those things I decided to do early on and am so glad that I have. I'm not the best with details, and this way I don't have to handle them. It's been pretty stress free, and I've been able to enjoy the engagement like I wanted to. Well, except for one HUGE, ahem, I mean little fire that started and had to be put out - but that had NOTHING to do with the WP. Things are coming along great and now we are at 10 weeks and 4 days away from that day where math goes backwards and instead of one plus one becoming two, one plus one becomes...One.
And now writing of that Big Day makes me wand to get off here and pay more attention to that handsome MR. sitting beside me. He's been working hard on some GRD stuff and I'm gonna see if I can't go distract him for a few, and encourage him a bit with some kisses! ;)
Excited for some things to slow down a bit pretty soon...and maybe I'll get to interact more over here.
No, it's not the something new that goes with the wedding stuff! Although I am so excited to hopefully pick up my new wedding gown very soon! :)
The something new is what I hinted at during my last blog post. Joey and I are starting a photography/ design company called GeekRock Design! Actually, it's mostly Joey that's taking on this venture - I'll be doing photo shoots with him, but he's masterminding the design part and most of those little details! Take a look at www.geekrockdesign.com !!!!
We also will have a blog over there that will show blog posts of recent photo shoots (and some past ones to give some back story).
We're really excited about what's unfolding!
Joey and I have tossed around the idea of combining our personal blogs (not connected with photography) and that's still a possibility. It would probably mean a higher frequency of posts. I'll keep ya posted on what we do with that and what the blog will change to if it changes.
"Hey Joey, now what was that guys name again?"
I asked this question to my fiance this morning as I was driving to work. The no-name, or rather forgotten-named, guy mentioned was a fellow that we met yesterday while trying to get Joey's school crisis figured out.
Honestly, I'm not the greatest at remembering names. I try really hard on most occasions, but even on my best days, I don't get it every time. Yesterday was different.
I realized this morning that the reason that I had not remembered this guy's name is not because I'm just not that great at it, but rather that I didn't really care. Yep, I didn't care who he was, what his story was, or whether he knew Jesus or not. The only thing I cared about in that moment is what Guy could do for Joey in making this school thing happen. Not who he was, but what he could do for us.
God, I pray that you would change this is in me. Change my heart and mind about people. Let me not just look at them for what could do for me - how wicked and selfish - but as who they are, as what they need. Help me to see how I can serve them, and love them well, instead of focusing so much on myself (or even selfishly wanting those I love to get what they want and need).
I know that his job is to be a resource and help, and that is much appreciated. But God, teach me to love like you love, to really love.