So, So Much

Hey bloggyblog buds!
Well so very much has been happening lately! So here are some snippets of such happenings.....

Still getting used to the new job (which I LOVE by the way)! It' s so amazing to me that I have the privilege to wake up every day and go do what I love. What I was made to do. What sets a fiery passion in my heart. I love seeing people connect with their passions, and let Jesus use them in the ways that He made them with the gifts He's given them. Maybe it's because there were times in my life (and sometimes still are) when I wonder if Jesus really can redeem me, if He really is willing to risk on me, If He's willing to put His namesake on me, back me up, and send me out to to represent Him. But He does, over and over. Even in my blowing it. I think maybe this started when my reputation wasn't exactly that of a "Jesus" kind of girl. And I'm gonna be really honest with you, I still struggle with the fact that God is a girl like me in ministry. But that's just how His grace works. ....And I know that, but parts of my heart don't yet understand that. I'm still nervous at times about that I'm gonna F it up to the point that I'm just out. Event hough I do still struggle with this insecurity from time to time, it's no where near the daily battle I used fight about this. It also would be no surprise for you to hear that I occasionally struggle with the irony that a girl like me gets to marry a guy like Joey; again, grace... But hey,that's a whole other blog post (or maybe a counseling session.) It's a process... (my favorite word ;))

My lovebird also landed a job that he loves! Which makes me oh so very happy! He's cooking away to his hearts content in a brand new, state of the art kitchen and to top it all - the hours are the best in the business at 6:30 to 2:30! Not found too often in the restaurant world! The uppers already are wild about him (i'm not in the least bit surprised), and it seems to be a great fit for him! This was a major answer to prayer; with our upcoming nuptials and all and my sweetie just itching to be our family provider, it was great timing!

Even though Joey loves his job, his heartbeat is to do ministry. Which is part of why we started GeekRock Design. The exact same reason is why I started doing photography two years ago in Washington state - Because I wanted a schedule conducive to ministry. We're still in the beginnings of getting GeekRock up and running, but so far, so GREAT! It's been tough, but we're excited to see where God takes us in this venture. And hey, we've updated the site already so check it out at !!!

The house. Our first home. Humble abode. ProjectThatHasCapturedOurEvenings(except for the ones that are taken by GeekRock)andWeekendsandRefusesToReturnThemBUTthatWillTotallyBeWorthItAllSoon! Yep, we aren't really sure when we'll get to have truly a day off again. We're hoping it's done in a few more weeks, cause I tell ya what, between all that we've got going on, we are having a hard time taking a Sabbath. Which is neither good, nor healthy, nor ok. So, we need to get back to that really soon. I'll post some before and after shots when we're finished. You guys wouldn't believe the overhaul that's happening at our soon-to-be-address; that place was a dump when we first took over in there and soon it'll be a perfect first home. I can hardly wait!

Which brings me next to the wedding! Planning is going amazing well, because, well, I hired a wedding planner! This was one of those things I decided to do early on and am so glad that I have. I'm not the best with details, and this way I don't have to handle them. It's been pretty stress free, and I've been able to enjoy the engagement like I wanted to. Well, except for one HUGE, ahem, I mean little fire that started and had to be put out - but that had NOTHING to do with the WP. Things are coming along great and now we are at 10 weeks and 4 days away from that day where math goes backwards and instead of one plus one becoming two, one plus one becomes...One.

And now writing of that Big Day makes me wand to get off here and pay more attention to that handsome MR. sitting beside me. He's been working hard on some GRD stuff and I'm gonna see if I can't go distract him for a few, and encourage him a bit with some kisses! ;)

Excited for some things to slow down a bit pretty soon...and maybe I'll get to interact more over here.



Joey said...

Great post babe! When have you had time to blog!?