it's OK

it's currently 7:39 pm and i have a midterm at 7:45 am tomorrow. i have not even begun to study for it. haven't looked at notes. haven't started to memorize the 8 Scripture verses that i must know.  i swear i used to be more responsible.  i have been working on other things lately, definitely doing my share of homework and paper writing. i just put studying for this off because...well i don't know i don't think it will be a big deal. i like the class a lot and have pretty much got a good handle on the main elements. minus my memory verses.  i had planned to do nothing but studying today and i haven't even started. i did however accomplish a LOT of other things and have had a great day. i got to have coffee with two of my favorite folks, Joe and Charity....well actually no one had coffee, there was a diet coke, a hot chocolate, and tea in the mix but in the northwest we say everything is coffee kinda like the south says coke i guess.  anyway, then i was at Living Hope for a while being trained for something new, i then went to the library, and to the store, and then I went to see my friend Harmony and met her new baby boy, Parker.  I came home, went for a bike ride, made dinner, chatted with a roomie (great chat!!!) and now...I AM BLOGGING which i probably have no business doing.  Now, it could be very tempting for me to beat my own butt right about now for how i don't have it all together, and how i should be doing this and shouldn't be doing that  but i'm not going to. mostly, because i know God doesn't. I am gonna choose to believe Him, not try to judge myself, rest in the grace that He has given me this day, and enjoy Him! Now, I am also going to study! It's OK!



Marah Jean said...

Sounds like a pretty good day, so I agree with your decisions not to berate yourself for the lack of studying. I love keeping up on your life.