
Glocal. Global and Local.
This concept has been spinning around in my head all day long, specifically how we as the church engage at the local level and at the global level. I know this isn't a new concept - I mean, I heard and talked often about this topic as a "Moody". I was in a unique place - though I'm not sure I realized how privileged it was at the time - of being at a school that was constantly in the know about what was happening globally in missions. I also happened to have the opportunity to work with two local church plants over the course of 5ish years. I had a sweet bird's eye view of what glocal looked like in the church.
I most personally was involved at the local level, and would say that I had an awareness of what was going on globally. My time was definitely spent being divided between school, work, and the local church.
Now that I'm a Grad, the view is a bit different. My heart is still drawn to the local church and I feel strongly that in this season - and maybe for a lifetime - my ministry will be to the local American church. But I'm wondering, is God calling me to a global mindset at the same time and if so, what does that look like? How do you fully engage in one and also not neglect the other?
What are your thoughts on this, People who love Jesus... Do you find yourself being able to engage in both and indeed be glocal? And if so, what does that look like for you?