free, indeed

I've been reflecting a lot lately on how things are changing in my life and what God is doing. It's exciting, scary, adventurous, risky. Sometimes I only feel one of those emotions at a time, and other times they all seem to cascade together simultaneously. Overall, I have to say that I am more excited than anything. Perhaps even a bit surprised at the plan God seems to be unfolding before me. Definitely more of an adventure than I dreamt. I've found myself almost wondering if it's but a dream from which I could awake at any moment. Then, I realize it's real. Things seem to be going so well, that I am too quick to consider that something perhaps may wreck it all at any second.

I was having yet another one of those moments of just thanking God for Who He is in my life and what He's doing in me, when all of a sudden....I heard it.

The Voice that I haven't heard that clearly in quite a while. Despite the time that had passed since the last encounter, the Voice was all too familiar. I used to hear it frequently, almost constantly. It's pretty much the same song every time, it just continues writing new verses.
It's the Voice that screams, "look where you've come from", "look what you've done", ""your past will always follow", "you stand guilty", and "you will never really be free". "What stupid, stupid decisions you've made." "What - no - Were you thinking?".
This loop would seem to play over and over. Eventually, Jesus taught me to listen to His voice, and shut the other ones out.
Those occasions of the Voice's return are few and far between these days.

As I heard it this time, I was caught off guard. At the first sentence, it seemed to cut deep. What if it were true?!
And then, just as soon as I finished that sentence in my mind, I was reminded of this: "If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed."

I absolutely loves the way that Jesus uses the Holy Scripts to transform and renew our minds!
And, it's so incredible to realize that this Voice isn't a lie I buy into even a tenth of what I used to!
Part of me never wants to forget where I've come from. I know as much as I can in my own depravity the depth from which Jesus had to pick me up time and time and time and time again. I'm sure there will be plenty more. But I know that I am covered, soaked, marinated, in the grace of Jesus Christ and it is beyond more than enough. It keeps me humble to remember, but He lifts my face up to walk as a bearer of His glory. And dangit, I'm learning to walk in His grace and glory the rest of my days.
The enemy wants nothing more than to deceive us into thinking that God doesn't fully offer what He says He does. It simply isn't true. Jesus really does set us free - Just a small part of the Good News!

Hmmm, I feel like this blog post is a bit southern sounding, no? I've only been out of the northwest for a matter of weeks and I'm not even back in the south yet! Oh man......


to write love on her arms...

new news. wait that's unnecessary.... just NEWs

I'm not really sure why this is, but sometimes when changes are happening in my life it takes a while for me to write about it. Generally, it may make it in my journal but it usually takes a while for things to get to the blog. Maybe I just need time to process it all?! Well, there are some pieces of news I need to update on I suppose. (Although I think that most of you who follow my blog have probably already heard! :))

To recap a bit: Post graduation, I headed to Seattle for the summer. It was a good summer in the sense that it was good for me. Much of it, however, was lonely. I got to spend time and lots of it with Jesus, and it was necessary for some healing to happen in my heart and to figure some things out. While there, I decided to go to grad school and picked Colorado Springs. One reason was because there is a school here that I like but mostly, it's because one of my BFF's Jenn lives here. I was totally excited about moving to CO and starting grad school in January.
In the meantime after I decided to move but wasn't quite in CO yet, I took a trip home to Tennessee. Some conversations had been happening with a church there over the a possibility me coming on staff with them. I'm gonna spare much of the detail but long story short, I met with the church leaders on that visit. I got to hear their heart, their passion, their vision. God was leading them and myself in the same direction.... and they offered me a job which I gladly accepted. So for now, I'm in Colorado for a few months and then I will move to Tennessee to join staff at Christway Community Church!!! I could not be more excited, or more certain that this is where God is leading. And if you are wondering, Jenn is entirely ok with all this. In fact, she's pretty ecstatic with me because the girl is my friend, and because she sees what the Lord is doing. So, grad school is still in the picture and I'm now checking into a few schools that I'm interested in in that area.
It's been so amazing to see how God has directed and provided for me. Even since I've been in Colorado, I got a full-time job the first week I got here (and at a cool retail store which will infinitely help my wardrobe and cool factor lol)
I'm really excited to be on the adventure I am right now. Excited to play in Colorado for a few months with my awesome friend/roomie, excited to learn much while I'm here to prep me for the next steps, excited to look ahead towards Tennessee - being closer to my fam and serving alongside an incredible staff team at Christway.
I put this pic up because it simply reminds me of beauty. Beauty of God's creativity in - well, creating. Creating mountains to look like that! Creating a plan that fits so well together. Continuing to create His heart in me. Just beauty all around.
Have I mentioned yet that I'm excited?! Because I so am!!!
And hey - if you live in TN and I haven't seen your face in a while - which is most of you - then please let's grab some coffee cause i would love to catch up!