We need each other.
Sometimes this simple sentence can seem to go against the grain of what we've been taught. At least what we've been taught by American culture. It's so embedded in us to be independent; to work especially hard to ensure that you don't have to rely on anyone else for anything. Now, I like to be independent just like the next person. But sometimes I just need other people. And that's ok, God made it that way.
Some of those times are in the mundane parts of life. For instance, here in Spokane we have a ton of snow right now. My camry has had some issues making it out of the alley at my house - she got nice and stuck and finally after a couple hours digging and a tug from a 4x4, we got it out. Thankfully, I had help. Not only did I have help becoming un-stuck, my friends have helped cart me around town in their own 4 wheel drives!
These same two folks who helped me get un - snow - stuck also happen to be the among the same people who help me get un-stuck in life. They have different perspectives to see whatever it is that they may have me stuck, yet their purpose remains the same - to point me back to Jesus, the Ultimate-Un-Stucker. (Yes I realize this is terrible grammar.) My friends speak truth, they encourage, and they get downright cold, wet, and sometimes dirty with me. They’re left with sore backs and tired arms from all the digging - yet they do it anyway, and continue to show love.
I really like doing things on my own. I want to be able to handle it. And when I can’t handle it, I usually feel guilty that a friend has to help. Not so much at that point because I couldn’t handle it - usually by then I have been reminded of my own humanity. It’s more that I feel I should only have to go to Jesus and if I’m not going to Him alone, then there is something wrong with our relationship on my end.
My friends are not the end all. Yes I should go to Jesus. And I do. My relationship with God is very personal and there are some things that will always be shared just between the two of us. However, God has designed us to be in fellowship with one another. I’m not talking only about the church potluck, I’m talking about living your life with life with people who know you and know you well. Folks with whom you stay really connected. The kind of relationship that is very honest (which can be painfully difficult at times) but that holds a certain security because at the end of the day, love is holding it all together. It’s a two way street; you are there for each other.
I am so blessed to have a good handful of these relationships in my own life. I know I can be real with these people - letting them in on the good, the bad, the wonderful, and the disgusting. And they likewise can do the same with me. We can be happy with each other over victories and bear the burden with each other during hellish times when you think you’ll never make it out whole. All the while, we encourage each other to keep believing God and pressing in close to Him.
We are frail and if we are left alone, we are in very dangerous territory. Yes, God is Almighty and can protect us like no one else - and thankfully, He does. But He has designed us to be in community. His plan : Love God. Love other people. Like He loves us. Sure our relationship with Jesus is personal and should be guarded and invested in like no other, but not to the point where we are deceived into thinking we should be going it on our own.
We were made to need each other. That’s what God said.